
We are proud to release a free version of CentralReports, called CBC Reports Assistant (CBC Assist for short). The Free software can import your report text file, run the validation tests that CentralReports runs on the report, and produce the MBSR spreadsheets. You can also customise the templates or write new templates for your own internal custom reports.

Click here to go to the CBC Assist page

Download a Free Excel© Add-in to help you with Euro and other currency conversions in your Excel Worksheets

Download EuroCalc, a free Euro Calculator!

CentralReports hits the mark!
CentralReports generated report first to be submited to Central Bank
CentralReports assists banks to comply with new EU reporting requirements
Synergy Enterprise Accounting version 8.0 released version 2.0 is here!


Atlantic Insurance on Synergy
Avtovazbank choose Synergy

Enterprise Accounting Solutions
We have been developing accounting software for the past 18 years. Our flagship product, Synergy accounting, is the result of this long experience. A product so extensive and customisable, it is unique among shrink wrapped software. From medium size companied to large enterprises, Synergy provides the scalability, comprehensive features and customisability to provide a complete solution at a fraction of the cost of any competition.


Document Management
The electronic era is here! This is the information age and there's no going back. With our expertise in electronic document storage and retrieval systems we are pioneers in the field in Cyprus. Our technological showcase websites and are testimonial to what we can do. Thousands and thousands of pages of information, fully indexed and made available on the internet as a service to the general public.
Our expertise covers diverse sectors such as Financial Services, Banking and Insurance.

Internet Banking
We were the first to develop a web banking software in Cyprus back in 1997. We are still ahead of the competition. Years ahead. In the fast changing internet world, we are agile enough to adopt new technologies and to incorporate our experiences from the past. Something our competitors don't have.
Web Application Development
Since the early days of the Internet, we have been developing internet enabled applications. Our online banking, Cyprus Government Gazette, and Cyprus Law Reports are testimonials to our web application development expertise.

Check out the Internet Banking demo

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